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the ditch your sh*t society


weekly SUPPORT FOR your life and home decluttering journeY



  • Insight into what makes decluttering so hard.

  • Helpful tips to help you get over your overwhelm and begin creating change.

  • Validating information so you don’t have to feel quite so alone.

  • Updates from Kate so you never miss out on opportunities.

  • Articles from Kate on everything from decluttering and organization to health and wellness.

Relief from clutter is at your fingertips.


I didn’t even realize I was experiencing this until you put it into words. It will make getting rid of excess so much easier now. Thank you!
— Brook K. who was able to finally break through her barriers, declutter her craft room and create a space she was excited to work in.
Loved this week’s installment!  I have my house half painted and organized, and the other half (the ‘tough’ rooms) waiting for me….and the worst part is figuring out what to do with the “stuff”.  Thanks for the tips!
— Shelly J. who learned how to sit with her “stuff” and decide what she loved and used, and what was just getting in the way so that she could free herself from the overwhelm and feel lighter every time she walked through her front door.
Great advice! I’ve been able to get rid of so much more using these methods.
— Birdy T. who faced down sentimental clutter after the death of her mother and found ways to honor her mother’s memory without being weighed down by inherited clutter.


Hi! I’m Kate!

When I started my own decluttering journey in 2018 I did it with the help of YouTube and Pinterest. But that cost me hours of scrolling and falling down rabbit holes.

The Ditch Your Sh*t Society is my way of bringing helpful information right to your inbox.

No scrolling required! No rabbit holes are even available to fall down!

Since then, I’ve seen the connection between how you feel about yourself and how you care for your home, as well as how your home feels and how you care for yourself.

On the day that I stood grinning in my decluttered and reorganized kitchen feeling pride and a sense of lightness wash over me, I swore I would dedicate my work to making sure other women got to feel the same thing.

My goal is to help you get to that place of self-pride and relief, and to do it in as streamline, and, well, decluttered way we can!

You deserve space to breathe.


Are you ready to get over your mental and emotional sh*t so that you can finally get rid of your physical sh*t?

Then it’s time to join the Ditch Your Sh*t Society and get this train moving!

Caring for your home is selfcare, and you are worth it!