Essential Oils to Raise Your Spirit

You know those times when you feel fatigued for no reason? How about those days when nothing seems to go right or make sense? These are the moments when a little essential oil support can make the difference between giving up and breathing through it all.

In the two previous posts in our essential oil series, Lindsay Luker of Good Leaf Life has given us some hints and hacks on Essential Oils for Health and Beauty and Essential Oils for Your Home.

Lindsay provided us with recipes and tips for the physical world we live in; your body and your space. In today’s post we’re attending to something less tangible: the spirit or soul. 


Lindsay asks you to ponder: What does it mean to spiritually progress

  • To enhance your faith? 

  • To listen to the divine? 

  • To follow spirit? 

Yes, yes, yes, and whatever additional answers come from inside of your heart.


LINDSAY – There are countless rituals, ceremonies, techniques, and practices to simultaneously deepen and heighten your spirituality. Earth’s plants provide an aromatically inviting journey into your spirit on their own and as an adjunct to these practices. 

The natural liquids we call essential oils are extracted from various parts of plants. As mammals, we respond to the chemistry in each unique oil. 

This article will focus on a few ways to incorporate essential oil aromas into your spiritual practice or to simply lift you up when your soul feels weighed down. 


Everything on earth emits a frequency depending on its chemical make-up. This can be experienced as vibration. Some vibrations are low (rocks), some are high (hummingbird wings). 

With practice, you can tune into your own frequency, which fluctuates throughout your days, months, years, and life. 

There are those days when you move like molasses and are vibrating at a lower frequency, and days when your higher frequency vibration leads you to finish your to-do list prior to 9:00AM. 

Essential oils also emit frequencies that you can pair with your own to create balance and harmony.

KATE – I love this description of vibrational frequencies. It makes so much sense to me. There are days when all I want is to have a cat curl up on me and give me permission to lie still, and others where I find myself checking task after task off my to-do list with surprisingly little energetic expense. 


LINDSAY – The following oils can be combined into a roller ball bottle and applied topically to pulse points (wrists, neck, eyes of elbows, even bottom of feet) 1-4 times per day. 

  • 10 ml glass roller bottle 

  • 15-20 total drops of essential oils 

  • fill the rest with fractionated coconut oil 


Additional ways to use these oils are:

  • 3-8 drops total in a diffuser

  • 1 drop to third eye (6th chakra) and/or crown of head (7th chakra) during meditation 

Frankincense: This musky, yet clean aroma has been used for so long it has come to be known as the ‘king of oils’. It guides you from lower to higher vibrations as you seek fresh perspectives based on truth and light. 

Sandalwood: This soft, sweet, wood aroma quiets the edges of your mind and invites the divine voice into your light. Its lower vibration gives you gentle encouragement to unstick your stuck places.

Myrrh: This spicy aroma is also in on the lower end of frequencies, and eventually softens to nurture your own vibrations into a maternal embrace of safety and trust. 

Rose: This warm, floral aroma carries the highest vibration. It holds you with the unchanging, unconditional love of the divine. 

Roman Chamomile: This deeply relaxing floral aroma helps you sift through parts of your life which no longer serve you. It supports a flowing vibrational path to your truest purpose. 

KATE – So many ways to shift my soul’s trajectory! Feeling uninspired? Heading for my Frankincense. A little too wired with all of my self-inflicted deadlines? Roman Chamomile sounds divine. And I just got some “liquid gold” rose oil to use in those desperate times of need. I do love feeling supported!


LINDSAY – Any and all of the above oils can be used individually or blended. Your blends will vary by the day and will depend on what your soul is yearning. 

Not sure what your spirit needs today? Follow your nose. 

Your olfactory system (your sniffer) contains over 10 million receptors of over 400 types allowing you to detect at least 1 TRILLION aromas.

This system is intricately connected to various parts of your brain and triggers immediate guidance when inhaling aromas. Remember those vibrations? 

Your nose, brain, mind, and soul will guide you to the one you need! 

KATE – I know my husband is not the only one out there with damaged olfactory sensors that make smell a distant memory. But do not despair! This is when you tap into that inner voice that comes from your third eye chakra of intuition. 

Listen. Don’t assume or push. Listen.

Reach for the oil that you are guided to. Tap into your heart chakra to find that trust for yourself. You’ll get exactly what you need.


LINDSAY – Once you find your aroma for the day, sit quietly with it. 

Slowly bring your mind’s eye to the breath going in and out of your body. 

Imagine the breath going to every cell in your being. 

Then visualize the space between those cells, the space of eternal divinity, and allow that space to guide you into your day.



KATE – As you gather the information we have been sharing in this series you can choose little changes you’re ready to incorporate. 

Perhaps you’ve taken a cue from the Health and Beauty post and made a small change to how you care for your body.

Then I hope you found a little something in the Home post to move toward reducing the toxins in your space.

And today you may have a new picture of how to attend to your soul.

In a few weeks the final installment of this series will provide you with steps to enhance your mind.

Next steps are small steps that build upon one another as you grow and become ready for those changes. Small steps are how we achieve our goals. And those goals in turn create the whole of our lives.

It can be tempting to try to do everything at one time. Please take a breath and let that urge pass.

I’ll be here, ready to join your journey as your life coach when you need more support and guidance. I look forward to watching you grow!

kate and lindsay