If Others are Asking it, You Probably Want to Know Too!

I was looking at some of the questions folks on social media have asked me recently and it occurred to me that answering a handful of questions in one go might be just what you need. Keep in mind, these are quick answers.

If you need more reach out with your questions or even schedule a free coaching discovery session for even more value.


1. How do I get past the emotional attachment?
Honor the memories and what the items symbolize for you. Tell the stories of these items to someone (like me, your coach!). Remind yourself that holding onto things doesn't bring the past back, and that these items have served their purpose. Give yourself permission to move forward while knowing that letting go of a thing does not mean you lose the memories.

2. Is it okay to remove all items and store in the attic to take down years later when it's back in fashion?
Super quick answer: No. Look, it's lovely to think that you're going to remember everything that you shoved into the attic and that each item is going to magically come back in fashion at which time you'll pull it out and reuse it. The reality is that life will move forward and you're more likely to forget what's up there and have it taking up physical and energetic space.

3. How do I keep from bringing more stuff in?
If the issue is that you have a shopping problem, then we need to get to the bottom of what you are trying to fix or fill with shopping. Beyond that, it's a simple rule of One In, One Out! You buy something, something has to leave. Honor that and you'll maintain your home at the level you started with. One In, Two Out helps keep the decluttering train rolling, though!

4. How do I find the time to tackle this?
Break it down into reasonable chunks. We all have 15 minutes in a day. Commit to that, don't go over and burn yourself out, though. Think about it, 15 minutes a day is an hour and 45 minutes every week. That's 7 hours of decluttering over a month!! 

5. Where...do...I...even...begin?
Easy, big, or annoying. Something easy that takes little to no thought like anything that's broken (no, you aren't going to fix it, stop lying to yourself). Something big like furniture or appliances that take up space and leave a big impact when they're gone. Or something that's been annoying you for eons and you will be so happy when it's gone. Don't over complicate this. Start.

6. When do I sell and when do I donate?
If you are the sort of person who is interested in spending the time and energy to sell (I'm not, but I have a friend who made $10,000 on eBay when she downsized) then you check a place like eBay for similar items to see if they're worth selling. Make sure you check out what has already sold and for how much, not just what people are asking. Otherwise, donate it and be done with it!

7. I'm interested in sustainability. How can I declutter and be the least wasteful? 
I love sustainability. To do this in a big way you have to do your research and be willing to drive a distance sometimes. Old clothes can go to a textile recycler, putting things up for free in Facebook Marketplace works. There's always The Freecycle Network where people put stuff up for free. Police stations will often take old phones. Donating to places like Habitat for Humanity or other not-for-profits in your area may be up your alley, too.

8. How do you do it when you have ADHD?
Honestly? You work with a coach like me who can help you identify what works for you and what doesn't. Basic rule is often that the less stuff you have the less distracted you're going to be. The more simple your solutions for organization, the more likely you are to follow through!

9. How do I overcome the fear of letting things go?
We need to ask a bunch of questions, starting with "What are you afraid is going to happen if you let stuff go?" Then we ask something like "What evidence do you have that will happen?" Then we go from there. Truly, this is where coaching comes in very handy. Trying to figure out something this big on your own can be incredibly overwhelming. Luckily you aren't alone.

10. How do I stay motivated?
You keep going even when you aren't motivated. That isn't the answer you wanted, is it? It's the progress that you see and the realization that you're learning more and more about yourself and about how to let go and declutter that will keep you motivated. At first it all seems kinda hopeless, which isn't motivating, but I swear, if you keep going, you'll find the motivation in the progress.

Not sure how to do this? That's why I'm here! Schedule a Ditch Your Sh*t! consultation to find out how we can figure out the answers to your questions together.
