Using Simplicity and Abundance for The Life You Love Part 2: Your Mind

As a new year begins, I thought it would be a good idea to examine how you currently live and how you can make it even better. To do that I’m going to talk about how simplicity and abundance can be used to create a life you love.

This article is the second part in a four-part series on simplicity and abundance for your: 

  1. Space: the physical world you live in

  2. Mind: your mental experience

  3. Body: your physical health

  4. Soul: your inner experience.

My intention for you is to be able to identify goals for yourself after reading these four parts and be able to begin integrating your insights to create a whole picture of who you are and what you want.


I want to start with some quick definitions to make sure we’re all on the same page.

Mind: This refers to your thoughts, perceptions, and all of the other stuff that comes with thinking.

Simplicity: Reducing the chatter in your mind.

Abundance: Increasing the thoughts and experiences that broaden your mind.


If you think about it (already using your mind) the ability to form thoughts, learn things, and actually change the structure of our brains with how we approach thought is pretty amazing.

Being able to control our thoughts and determine what perceptions we’re going to have is what gives you true control over your life.

It may seem like your brain is on auto-pilot, but you’re actually flying this plane. Whether conscious or subconscious you are always deciding what state your mind is going to be in. That’s where simplicity and abundance come in.


Life feels awfully complicated sometimes, doesn’t it? I swear my brain actually hurts at time when I try to think too hard. All of that complication of life can lead to things like racing thoughts, negative self-talk, thought distortions, and general chaos.

When this happens it’s easy to think you have no control over your mental processes and are at the mercy of whatever is happening inside your head.

I have good news; you do have control. It isn’t easy. It takes practice. And it’s totally worth it to learn.

Simplicity for your mind is when you slow down. It’s when you focus on one thing in the moment. It’s when you decide you don’t have to think about 12 different things at one time.

Actually, we can’t think about 12 different things at one time. I know, you just said, “I do that all the time!”. No, you don’t. You might jump from one thought to the next rapidly, but the brain is only capable of thinking about one thing at a time. When you multi-task you’re asking you brain to jump back and forth from one subject or task to another over and over again. That’s why you feel so tired.

When you think about one thing, stay in this moment with that one thing you will feel a sense of calm and peace wash over you.



I always think of the movies Kung Fu Panda or Star Wars when I think about mental control. Masters Oogway and Yoda simply didn’t feel the need to get worked up about anything. They counseled quiet, and focus.

That’s what you’re going to aim at.

To quiet the racing mind does not happen in one sitting. It happens with slow progression and repetition.

Here is one of my favorite mindfulness exercises to still the mind:

Counting Colors:

  • Begin looking around the space you’re currently in.

  • Notice the colors of the things around you.

  • Count those colors. 1 green, 2 brown, 3 light green (I’m looking at a plant in my office as I write)

  • If you lose count it doesn’t matter. Start wherever you think you might have been.

  • Notice the variations in color.

  • Notice the colors in reflections.

You can do this one at work, at home, driving, walking, anywhere.

You can also try using meditation apps like Insight Timer or Calm. Attend a meditation at a local yoga studio or Buddhist temple, attend a gong bath, or crystal bowl meditation, try yoga, take a candle-lit bath, watch water flow, do whatever soothes you.


Finding inner peace and simplicity is often something we need in this fast-paced world of ours. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t need some abundant thinking, too.

Abundant thinking like the racing thoughts and such, that I mentioned above is not what we’re looking for.

Abundant thinking is those times when you’re problem solving, or learning. Every student knows there are times when you need lots and lots of abundant thinking to get a paper done the night before it’s due. A salesperson knows they need to be alert and a step ahead to do their job effectively.

Abundant mental states are productive, active, and engaging. It can be exciting to have an abundance of thought that is in your control. We do need to keep an eye out for those times when we let abundance turn into overwhelm, and then dial it back a notch or two.


The first thing I can tell you is that artificial stimulants like coffee will move your mind into abundance fairly quickly. You feel sluggish, you don’t feel like you can think clearly, then you have some coffee and magically you become a better version of yourself. I recommend only using coffee for its stimulant effect if you want it to work in this way. When you drink it every day it loses its effect and you need more and more to get to that state you’re seeking.

Other ways to ensure you’re open to abundant thinking is to take really good care of your body.

  • Sleep

  • Eating

  • Exercise

  • Taking prescribed medication

  • Avoiding alcohol and drugs

Let’s think about it for a moment. When you’re sleep-deprived your mind feels like it’s under water. When your blood sugar is low because you haven’t eaten enough you can’t keep a coherent thought in your head. When you don’t get physical movement in your brain gets as sluggish as your body. If you have prescription medication, it’s there for a reason, and without it you’re likely to have side effects. And then I think we all know drugs and alcohol don’t exactly help a creative or active mind.


So, the next time you want your mind to be sharp and ready to create in any way, go down that check list to see what you might be missing.

Beyond that I encourage you to read books, learn about new things and new ideas. Travel to new places and experience new things. Try new foods, do new things. All of this will challenge your mind and expand your world of thought, leaving more space for an abundant thought life.


You know in any given moment whether your mind needs simplicity or abundance. Determine which one and then intentionally pursue to actions that will provide you with the mindset you need in that moment.

If learning the skills to control the state of your mind feels like too much to tackle on your own I’m here as your Integrative Life Coach. I’ll share my years of experience as a psychologist with you to help identify what you need to live a life you love!
