How to Feed Your Soul in a World Gone Mad

There are some, in this last year, who have felt the slowing of life provided them food for their souls to blossom.

There are also many who have had the crap taxed out of their souls through the pain, unknowns, anger, recriminations, fear, repeated ups and downs, and natural disasters of the year.

We can get lost so easily when we meet with chaos and change. Not only when the world seems to take a break from sanity and reality, but also when we have average, everyday life transitions.

If this is where you’re at, it’s time to hit the pause button, breathe, hit reset, breathe, and come back at life with greater intention and purpose.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Embrace Gratitude

I’m hitting you with gratitude right out of the gate because, trendy or not, it’s a growth mindset and that’s what you’re needing. 

Instead of focusing on the easy stuff, like how pissed off you are, choose to notice what is good in your life.

A yoga teacher of mine always used to say “If you’re grateful for peanut butter, then be grateful for peanut butter.” The point being, you don’t have to over-complicate this. Let yourself feel gratitude for the small joys of life.


Surround Yourself with Your Favorite People

You could surround yourself with people who make you nuts, but that seems really counter-productive.

Instead, begin moving those people off to the side and pick out those who have earned a place in your life. The ones who have earned your trust. The ones who make you laugh. The ones who accept you as you are, no questions asked. 

Take Intentional Rest

Running away from life into a book or Hulu, sleep or social media isn’t really resting.

Intentionally doing those things can be very restful. What’s the difference? Mindless versus mindful.

While you’re at it, also give those things a time limit of some sort so that mindful doesn’t slip away into mindless without you noticing.

Listen to Your Heart

Your head gets so freaking loud that your heart gets drowned out. Put your head on mute and listen to your heart, AKA your intuition or your gut.

Do things because they feel right, not because you think that’s what you should do or that’s what’s expected of you.

If something makes your heart twinge, pay attention, don’t brush it off. Your heart is like a gentle monk sitting on a hilltop waiting for you to listen. It won’t yell, but it will always be there when you need it.


Step Away from the News

(My mom is going to read this and know I’m talking about her.)

Listening to/watching/reading the news is great to keep yourself informed of the things that are happening in the world in which you live. There’s a point at which it no longer feels good when you’re engaged with news though, isn’t there?

As soon as you notice your body having a negative reaction to the news get away from it.

In fact, give yourself an entire day off from the news. Heck, go crazy, and give yourself a week! A month! If anything super important happens someone will tell you, I promise.

BTW – I stopped watching the news on September 14th, 2001, and someone has always let me know what’s happening out there since then.

Get Outside

We are made from nature. We live on this planet. We’re connected to everything around us. And yet we try to cut ourselves off by sitting in our heated and air-conditioned boxes.

When we do this, we cut ourselves off from the source. The source of our life and energy. Sound too woo for you? That’s okay, you’re still a part of this planet.

Step outside. Stand on your porch/balcony/deck for a few minutes. Take some deep breaths. Cold air, hot air, breathe it in.


Take a walk. Doesn’t have to be miles. A wander around the block is fine. Or you can go for a 5-mile hike. It’s up to you.

Find a way to interact with the outdoors every day.

Do What You Need

In the end my list may not be for you because you are an individual. So, as soon as you’re done reading, begin a list of your own that fits your personality and lifestyle.

If you feel like you’re doing all of this and your soul is still tortured I’ll walk beside you as your coach as soon as you’re ready and we’ll get you back on track and loving the life you live!
