Live A Healthy Life Through Your Ayurvedic Dosha

Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of medicine, having been around for over two millennia, is still practiced widely today, and shares its foundations with many other ancient teachings.

It’s right up my integrative coaching alley as it focuses on whole-body health, combining the physical, psychological and spiritual. This is similar to feng shui which brings the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual together to create balance.

The foundation of ayurveda is the belief that the world is made up of five elements:  space, water, earth, fire, and air. This is also similar to feng shui through which you can find harmony in your home with the elements of wood, metal, fire, water, and earth.

A combination of the ayurvedic elements determines your dosha and health is obtained by harmonizing the three doshas; vata, pitta, and kapha.


The doshas are essentially “health types” that help guide you in sleeping, eating, and exercise for balance, as well as identifying what your emotional strengths and weaknesses might be.

We are all a combination of the three doshas, but generally one of them stands out more than the others determining your primary dosha to follow.

These descriptions will help you identify some of your dosha qualities and give you ideas to increase balance in your life.


Vata consists mostly of the two elements air and space. Autumn represents vata for its cool, crisp days.

Those with the vata dosha are usually described as slim, energetic, and creative. They’re known for thinking outside the box but can become easily distracted. What’s more, their mood is highly dependent on the weather, people around them, and foods they eat.

They are very mentally and physically active and enjoy creative endeavors, meeting new people, and traveling to new places.


When they are balanced, vatas are flexible, have lively imaginations, and are original thinkers. When imbalanced they can get anxious, ungrounded, and can seem “flaky” about fulfilling commitments, sticking to a routine, and completing projects. 

Vata types often don’t eat and sleep regularly, swinging from eating heavy foods to ground and sedate themselves, to ingesting stimulants like coffee and sugar to sustain intense physical or mental activity. Insomnia and low immunity are very common problems for the sensitive vata person.

Vata Characteristics

  • Mind: Creative, quick, imaginative

  • Body: Thin, light frame

  • Skin: Dry

  • Hair: Dry

  • Appetite: Delicate, spontaneous, often miss meals

  • Routine: Variable, spontaneous

  • Temperament: Welcomes new experiences, excitable, friendly, energetic

  • Conversation style: Loves to talk

  • Shopping style: Buy, buy, buy

  • Stress response: What did I do wrong? Tendency to blame oneself

Strengths: Learn quickly, highly creative, multitasker, kind-hearted, flexible, “on the go,” naturally slim

Weaknesses: Forgetful, anxious, unstable mood, can get overwhelmed easily, highly sensitive to the cold, has trouble sleeping, irregular appetite and eating patterns, prone to digestive issues and gas, poor circulation (cold hands and feet).

For good health: Follow a regular daily routine, manage stress through meditation and other calming activities, and maintain a warm body temperature by avoiding cold weather and consuming warm foods and drinks.


Kapha (pronounced “kuffa”) is based on earth and water. Spring is known as kapha season, as many parts of the world slowly exit hibernation.

Kapha types have strong frames and are naturally athletic as long they are exercising regularly to manage their tendency to gain weight. 

When in balance they rarely get upset, think before acting, and go through life in a slow, deliberate manner. They prefer a regular routine in their personal and professional lives. 


When imbalanced they can become unmotivated, stubborn, and complacent even when change is necessary. Their metabolism tends to be slow and their appetite for both food and stimulation is less intense than vata or pitta types. 

Kapha Characteristics

  • Mind: Detail oriented, consistent, steady

  • Body: Sturdy, gains weight easily, has trouble losing it

  • Skin: Smooth and oily

  • Hair: Thick and oily

  • Appetite: Loves to eat, but has slow digestion

  • Routine: Methodical and study, resistant to change

  • Temperament: Thoughtful, sweet, loving, forgiving, patient, slow to move, content

  • Conversation style: Simple and profound

  • Shopping style: Saves

  • Stress response: I don’t want to deal with it

Strengths: Empathetic, caring, trusting, patient, calm, wise, happy, romantic, strong bones and joints, healthy immune system

Weaknesses: Prone to weight gain, slow metabolism, sluggishness, over-sleeping, breathing issues (i.e., asthma, allergies), higher risk of heart disease, mucus buildup, susceptible to depression, needs regular motivation and encouragement

For good health: Focus on regular exercise, a healthy diet, maintain a warm body temperature (e.g., by sitting in a sauna or eating warm food), and establish a regular sleep routine. 


Known for being associated with a tenacious personality, the pitta dosha is based on fire and water. Summer is known as pitta season for its sunny, hot days.

They tend to have a medium build and endurance with powerful musculature. They often have freckled skin that easily reddens in the sun, during exercise, massage, and when blushing. 


In balance pittas are strong-willed and good at doing what they think is right. They approach work and play with the same intensity and competitiveness. They are natural leaders and quick learners whose ability to easily comprehend and master new skills and concepts can make them judgmental or impatient toward people they feel are slower or less focused than themselves when imbalanced. It is common for them to suffer from health conditions such as inflammation, rashes, acne, and loose stool. 

Pitta Characteristics

  • Mind: Sharp, intellectual, precise, discerning

  • Body: Medium build, warm, muscular

  • Skin: Sensitive, flush, acne-prone

  • Hair: Tendency toward early graying or thinning

  • Appetite: Strong, can eat just about anything, any time

  • Routine: Very precise and organized

  • Temperament: Passionate, driven, courageous, strong sex-drive, good leader

  • Conversation style: Speaks to convey a point

  • Shopping style: Spends on luxury items

  • Stress response: Irritable, tends to blame others

Strengths: Intelligent, purposeful, learns quickly, self-determined, master skills easily, strong desire for success, strong, natural leaders, quick metabolism, good circulation, healthy skin and hair

Weaknesses: Impatient, prone to conflict, always hungry, mood swings when hungry, prone to acne and inflammation, sensitive to hot temperatures

For good health: Focus on work-life balance and avoid extreme heat (e.g., weather, spicy food). For balance, pittas need to manage their “fiery” tendencies, channeling them in productive ways and learning to recognize their destructive power.


Generally speaking, whole-body healing, which includes physical, mental, and emotional health, benefits everyone. This can include practices like yoga, meditation, mindful eating, sleep hygiene, spending time by yourself and with others, and managing your work-life balance.

Listen to your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t right for you. Considering that you are a combination of all three doshas you’ll probably want to cherry-pick from the elements for each that speak to you.

Incorporating a new way of thinking about your body and your health can be challenging, which is where an Integrative Life Coach like myself comes in.

I work with my clients toward whole-life balance, incorporating all areas of the mind, body, soul, and space to help you to create a life you love.
