Why Decluttering Increases Productivity

We live in a fast-paced world that expects more and more of us every day. You don’t have time to be messing around with finding something to wear in a chaotic closet, or trying to find the keys you know you left somewhere around here…

Work smarter, not harder, right?

Clutter makes everything harder. You have to move something every time you want to do anything. You’re taking extra steps for every task, because clutter also means you don’t have a sustainable system of organization.


I recently got a nasty-gram from a company that I had put off getting info to for, I will admit, about eight months. There’s still a part of me that thinks everything will take too much effort, so I procrastinate. 

My heart jumped initially when I go this letter. No more procrastination or I was going to suffer some unacceptable consequences. Then I remembered I knew exactly where everything they needed was. It took about ten minutes to gather the information, scan and upload a few documents, and I was done.

I have systems in place so I know where things are and have them easily accessible. What would have taken me three to four times longer years ago, because I had things shoved in files named “miscellaneous”, was a breeze.

BTW, “miscellaneous” is not a category.

If you want to make life easier, it’s possible. You will have to be willing to do some work up front, though.


A study on the effects of clutter in the home found that individuals who felt overwhelmed by the amount of “stuff” in their homes were more likely to procrastinate. (source)

We love to put stuff off. We say we’ll do it later. After I read this chapter, after I watch this episode, after I pick the kids up… 

Procrastination is about avoiding unpleasant tasks. I procrastinated the crap out of uploading that info and look where it got me – unnecessarily panicked.

Let’s say the task at hand is laundry (it’s a good go-to because we all have to do it and no one likes it). If your home is decluttered and organized and the only large thing staring you in the face is that pile of laundry that needs to be put away, you might actually get to it.


If your home is in chaos and that pile of laundry blends into the background, you’ll find yourself pulling items out of the clean pile instead of ever putting the clothes away. 

This is not productive. The time you’re spending trying to find something clean to wear that isn’t too wrinkled, is time you could be using for something else. 


Getting rid of clutter eliminates 40% of housework in the average home. (source)

Forty percent! What! Imagine what you could do if you got that much time back.

Why would decluttering get rid of so much cleaning? Because you have less to clean. No, really, that’s the answer. 

You have less to clean around. Less stuff collecting dust. Fewer clothes to wash. This is definitely a less is more situation. Less stuff is more time.


The average person spends one year of their life looking for stuff. (source)

What are the things you can’t find on a regular basis? 

Do you look for:

  • Something to wear?

  • Your keys?

  • Your glasses?

  • A hair tie?

  • Important papers?

  • Matching shoes?

  • Sunglasses?

If you don’t have a consistent home for things, and there’s a ton of extra clutter around, the most basic of items get lost over and over.


The last time I stood in my closet throwing clothes around saying “I can’t find anything to wear!”, while my husband stood very still so as not to become a target, was in 2017. The reason is that I only own clothing I like, and it’s all organized in a way I can maintain. 

When you don’t own things you dislike, and you have the things you do like organized in a way that makes sense to you, life smooths out. You’ll always know where the garlic press is. You’ll always know where you put the check for your kid’s soccer team.

Then you can use that time to either get more done, or you could consider using it to take care of yourself.


There is a direct correlation between a woman’s cortisol (stress) levels and the density of household objects. (source)

Worrying their home isn’t clean or organized enough is the 5th most common stress trigger for Americans. 47% of women questioned said this caused stress within the past month. (source)

How well do you function when you’re stressed? How accurate are you? How fast are you? How sharp is your thinking? How well do you problem-solve? How much energy do you have?

I can answer for myself and say (in order of questioning): not well, not very, not at all, pretty poor, not well, minimal.

Go ahead and kid yourself into thinking stress doesn’t impact your productivity. Then go ahead and kid yourself into believing the state of your home doesn’t create unnecessary stress for you.

When you can find what you need there’s no need for anxiety. When you don’t have to move other people’s stuff out of your way, you don’t get frustrated. When you have less stuff, are more organized and have routines, you feel more calm, centered, and capable.



People are more productive, less irritable and distracted in a clutter-free space. (source)

To achieve a clutter-free space that promises so much, you’re going to have to do the work. Sorry, I know, you were probably hoping I’d end this thing with a miracle cure.

  • You’ll have to put the time in. 

  • You’ll need to deal with the feelings and beliefs that get in the way of your decluttering plan.

  • You’ll need to touch every item in your home eventually.

  • You’ll have to learn to let go.

Depending on the state of your home this could take some time. I have a 1400 square foot house with two people and no kids. My initial decluttering took three months of almost daily work.

Larger home, more human beings, more demands on your time, greater emotional attachments, and it will take longer if you do it right.

That isn’t a rousing speech, is it? That’s because I will always be real with you.

Hard doesn’t mean impossible, though. And, I don’t do this often, but I will guarantee that if you declutter and reorganize in the right way…:

  • Address how it got this way in the first place.

  • Do the work yourself, don’t hire people to skip over the emotional work for you.

…you will not only have a more productive life, but also a happier, more satisfied life.

Decluttering Coaching is about helping you get there. Whether you simply need a kickstart, or if you need accountability, hand-holding, acceptance, and support over the long-haul, I’ll be there for you.
