A couple of weeks ago I posted about pre-move editing. If you follow that plan, you’ll be in great shape once you get into your new home. You’ll be feeling pretty confident that what you’re bringing with you is what you really want to have living with you in your new home.
Pre-Move Editing for a Stress-Free Transition
Essential Oils to Raise Your Spirit
How to Curate Your Own Cleaning Routine
A sink full of dishes, a never-ending mountain of laundry that needs folding, and a general feeling of overwhelm when you think about tackling it all. This is what we’re going to change. When we were read fairy tales, or watched the Disney versions of fairy tales, as children we never thought beyond the happily ever after.
Essential Oils for Your Home
Welcome to part two of our essential oil series with my guest collaborator, Lindsay Luker of Good Leaf Life “your guide to understanding the ingredients & solutions provided by nature to help you live peacefully & naturally.” Lindsay encourages us to “live a good life” which is what essential oils help us to do.
Decluttering Storage Spaces
We all have them. Deep, dark spaces into which we stuff the things we aren’t using…and eventually forget about. During quarantine in 2020 I got in the habit of taking a walk in my neighborhood every morning. Many people would have their garages open and the voyeur in me couldn’t help but peek in as I walked past.
Decluttering Special Categories
“Special categories” is code for a few specific items I feel deserve more attention than being lumped in with an entire room. The three categories we’re focusing on here – books, papers, and digital clutter – are all things that easily grow out of control and become so overwhelming that we turn a blind eye to them.
Decluttering Shared Spaces
Creating a home you love means having the general areas of the home that you spend the most time in be as intentional and chaos-free as possible. The shared areas of the house get a lot of traffic, often with a number of people contributing to the state of the space. These areas benefit from organization specific to their functions.
Decluttering Your Closet
Decluttering Your Bathroom
The bathroom can be deceptive. Unless there’s a ton of stuff all over the counters it doesn’t look like a clutter collector. The clutter is generally well hidden in drawers, cabinets and the linen closet. The categories that come along with the bathroom need to be attended to for clutter reasons as well as health reasons.