How About Some Quick Tidying Wins for the Holidays!?

With Christmas just around the corner you may be panicking about tidying your house for family and friends. This is not a great time to create a whole new system in your home, but there are plenty of small, totally do-able things you can work into your schedule in the next week (or at any time) to feel a sense of relief and success.

Outside of the holiday season any of these can be used to give your day a sense of accomplishment no matter how tired you are.


This is the heart of the home and the place so much activity happens when social gatherings come to your home. Have you noticed how we tend to cluster in the kitchen when at a friend’s home for a party?

So, this is a great place to start with your quick wins. 

  1. Wipe down appliance fronts 

  2. Clean oven burners + stove top 

  3. Clean toaster 

  4. Clean microwave 

  5. Clean coffee maker 

  6. Wipe shelves in the refrigerator 

  7. Declutter condiments 

  8. Clean out one refrigerator drawer 

  9. Scrub sink 

  10. Clean dishwasher 

  11. Toss recipes you no longer love



Whether you have one master bedroom or four bedrooms plus a guest room to do will determine how you divvy these tasks up. 

Remember that some children as young as three or four can be given small tasks to attend to, like carrying their sheet to the laundry room, which gives them a sense of ownership and helps teach them responsibly and life skills they will need in the future. 

The older ones can most certainly take care of their entire room on their own!

  1. Wash mattress pads 

  2. Wash sheets 

  3. Fluff comforter in dryer 

  4. Wash blankets & bedding 

  5. Clean pillows 

  6. Clean nightstand 

  7. Dust lampshades 

  8. Vacuum under bed


These really are a category all their own, separate from bedrooms, because they can be such large tasks depending on how out of control they have gotten over time.

Regular (bi-yearly) full decluttering of clothes worn by quickly-growing children helps keep this under control. For teens and adults once a year works well.

Once you have decluttered clothing try to implement the “one in, one out” rule. Kids are usually far more open to these sorts of rules and often see them as games. Even teens will fall in line given clear, direct instructions.

For quick tidying focus on some smaller task for now.

  1. Donate 10-20 items 

  2. Wipe down shelves 

  3. Wipe out clothes basket(s) 

  4. Do a quick vacuum 

  5. Organize clothes by type 

  6. Toss any unmatched sock(s)


Look, no one enjoys dealing with paper. I remember being told that the advent of computers was going to eliminate papers. Not yet.

Until that magical day comes we benefit from keeping papers from getting out of control as the piles get overwhelming very fast, and we do not like facing things that feel overwhelming.

  1. Sort mail from the day 

  2. Recycle magazines 

  3. Tackle your paper pile 

  4. Designate an IN & OUT spot 

  5. Clean out your wallet or purse 

  6. File any receipts



Nope, no one likes cleaning bathrooms. At least I haven’t met that person yet. I bless my cleaning lady based solely on the fact that she cleans behind the toilets and manages to keep our shower white, regardless of the very hard water our softener struggles to keep under control.

Bathrooms are a breeding ground for bacteria and do need to be attended to with regularity. 

  1. Clean toilet – down to the floor 

  2. Empty & wipe out a drawer 

  3. Declutter makeup 

  4. Wash shower curtain 

  5. Clean mirrors 

  6. Clean baseboards 

  7. Wipe switch plates


Our grubby little fingers, dust, grease from the kitchen, dander, and general use, can cover electronics in a film of ick that is easy to ignore. A few quick swipes will take care of that.

  1. Wipe cell phones 

  2. Wipe landline phones 

  3. Clean TV & computer screens  

  4. Wipe computer mouses


I know, it’s might not be likely that you’ll be transporting anyone other than your immediate family members during the holidays, but hey, you never know when grandma might need a ride. Besides, while we’re working on the house it’s a great time to tuck your car onto your to-do list as it really is a significant part of your living space.

  1. Collect trash from car & toss 

  2. Dust / vacuum front interior 

  3. Dust / vacuum rear interior 

  4. Wipe down all surfaces 

  5. Wipe beverage holders 

  6. Clean under seats


There are a few ways you can go about these quick tasks:

  1. Set a timer and get as much done in that amount of time as you can, i.e., 15 minutes is often more than enough time for a bathroom.

  2. Decide you’re doing everything on the list for this one area regardless of how much time it takes.

  3. Do one task. Pause. Do another task. Pause. Repeat until everything on your list is done.

  4. Do one area per day. Then spot clean on subsequent days.

  5. Cluster a few areas together per day based on a realistic estimation of your time and energy.

  6. Divide the tasks or areas between household members and attack it as a team!

However, you decide to go about this, make sure it’s realistic for who you are, what your family patterns are like, and what simply makes the most sense to you, even if you think someone else would do it differently.



That wasn’t too terrible, was it? And, admit it, you feel like you can breathe more freely with those tasks taken care of. 

Hang onto this list or check out the free printables I have for your space where you can print these tasks out in a tidy check list.

Feel like you don’t know where to start? That’s why I offer Virtual Declutter Coaching!

I can help you take a look at your home, identify your priorities, create a plan, and help keep you accountable on your journey to a home you’ll be proud to welcome guests during the holidays or any time of the year!
