Yoga is practiced on and off the mat. It is a guide to living your most authentic life. Long after my yoga teacher training it struck me that the Yoga Sutras, which we were instructed from, are the instruction manual to life everyone is always looking for. Clear, relatable directions that, when adhered to, pretty much guarantee you will manifest the life you want.
Yoga For Your Heart And Soul Part One: The Yamas
The greatest gifts of yoga go far beyond the postures we do in classes. This is your opportunity to learn and apply these ancient teachings in your own life. When I trained to become a yoga teacher I was introduced to yoga as a full philosophy. The depth of the teachings of yoga blew me away and I immediately knew I needed to share this information with everyone beyond the yoga mat.
What the Heck is a Chakra and What Do I Do with Them?
This is what I wondered at one time. As with most things as I learned about chakras I wasn’t going to believe in this particular hocus-pocus without evidence of some sort. But the more I learned the more I realized it wasn’t so much evidence as it was awareness that I received. Awareness of myself, my moods, my needs, my mind, my heart, my body… Yeah, that’s how powerful understanding chakras can be.
How to Feed Your Soul in a World Gone Mad
What Would Life Be Like If You Believed You Could?
Kindness Will Change Your Life
Kindness is a concept that I hope you think about every day of the year. The day this blog posts is Christmas. This is a season of joy. Love toward all. It’s been a challenging year and there’s been a lot of negative stuff to navigate. We can still stop, take a breath, and remember the intention of this season.
Why Everyone Can Do Yoga
Practice is Your Foundation
Take The Risk to Be Yourself
Are you willing to throw caution to the wind and risk being different? Like being yourself even if others don't like it or don't understand? Are you willing to be so authentic that family and friends might turn away from you? Not being rude or mean. Calmly being yourself regardless of the fact that there are people in your life who will not be able to accept the true you.