Why does the kitchen become so cluttered? There are a bunch of reasons. Food is so central to our lives that we spend a lot of time in our kitchens. Things from other rooms easily get deposited in the kitchen on tables and counters. Maybe gnomes come in during the night and throw stuff around. Hey, you don’t know.
Create a Home to Please Your Senses
We’re all aware of the big five of the human senses, right? Sight, Smell, Hearing, Taste, and Touch. Decluttering and tidying as it has been popularized recently, primarily focuses on Sight. What does your home look like? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Is it clean? Is it tidy? Do you have a nice-looking yard? When selling a house, the things that tend to sell the house are how the kitchen, bathrooms and landscaping look.
Introduction to Your Home’s Feng Shui Bagua
When I began studying feng shui I was all about the elements, colors, balance and the inherent connection to decluttering. And then I hit the information about the bagua and came to a screeching halt. What is a bagua? A small baguette? No, it’s not delicious fresh bread. It’s a map of the energy centers in your home. This map gives you a foundation to refer to when wanting to curate good chi (energy).
How to Tackle Overwhelming Projects Like a Boss
What a Capsule Wardrobe is and Why You Want One
8 Things I Still Buy (While Working on Reducing Waste)
I am not perfect. I’m so sorry to let you behind the curtain and break the spell, but I don’t even aspire to perfection. I was raised with all of the values of sustainable living and reduced waste living. I love those values. I also do not meet the expectations of them nearly 80%, let alone 100%, of the time.
Caring for Your Home is Self-Care
Declutter to Keep What You Love
DE-clutter: per dictionary.com means “to remove mess or clutter”. This is what you generally think of, right. Getting rid of stuff. You might wonder why you avoid decluttering. It sounds like a good idea. Sounds easy enough. Kate says it’s good for you. Everyone who does it says they feel lighter and happier.