10 White Vinegar Cleaning Hacks for a Healthy Home
Cleaning supplies can be the worst. Really, just the worst. They’re so toxic and it isn’t necessary. My cleaning lady (yes, even home management experts enjoy some help in the home) has had to have 2 sinus surgeries and has been ordered by her doctor to not use any cleaning supplies other than natural ones like Mrs. Meyers or Seventh Generation.
Where to Start Your Minimalism Journey
What To Do When Your Husband Won’t Declutter
Have a Closet of Clothes You Love
Ah, clothing. They make us or break us. They describe our style. They imply our self-image. They communicate our loves and hates. We get older and are drawn to different clothes that fit our changing lives. So how do you make sure that closet of yours is full of only clothes that match who you are today?
Why Do You Own The Stuff You Have?
What Does “Wellness” Actually Mean?
Wellness For Your Space
The spaces we live, work and play in are a reflection of ourselves and we will mentally and emotionally reflect the state of those spaces. To practice wellness for your space means to care for it as you need to be cared for. If you ignore your health, you’re probably ignoring the health of your home.