Don’t Let Spring Break Derail You

As Spring Break happening your schedule is probably going to be a bit off. That tends to lead to healthy habits disappearing in a poof of smoke.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Whether you’re traveling, or are trying to keep your kids entertained at home, you don’t have to neglect yourself.

Keep getting some sort of intentional movement in, even if it isn’t what you would normally do. Let yourself indulge in some fun foods, while balancing them with some healthy choices, and stopping eating when full.

Stop Over-Doing It!

We love to believe our bodies can do far more than they really can. So, we push them, and then they fight back.

Instead of pretending you don’t have issues with your back, or that you need to eat something, or that you can still stay up all night, be honest.

Recognize your limitations. They are not bad things, limitations. They are your body’s way of saying “Enough!” Respect your body’s wishes and set your expectations to reality.

Take a Breather from the Holiday Treats

Raise your hand if you manage to gain at least five pounds during the holiday season every year. Me, too. Ugh. And as fun as all of those carbs and sugars are, they don’t make you feel very good, do they? Kind of sluggish, bloated, unmotivated.

That is no way to enter the new year!

I’m not saying not to eat that cheesecake you look forward to all year, I’m saying, try to keep it to one piece. And perhaps you only have one kind of pie not all three. (I’m really talking to myself now).

Try a One Day Juice Fast

A juice fast means getting a set of usually six juices from your local purveyor of juice that you will drink over the course of the day without consuming anything else other than water. The juices in a fast are specifically meant to carry the nutrients your body needs throughout the day.

Why do this? Because it resets you and can make you feel more energized. Sometimes we benefit from something a little more drastic to remind us to take care of our bodies. Then caring for the rest of your life will hopefully follow!

This is not for everybody and I do recommend talking to your doctor before trying it to make sure it’s healthy for your body.