Marie Kondo is a decluttering expert who came to popularity when her Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. She has gone on to create other shows and specials. She has authored multiple books including The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing.
Going Beyond the Classic Decluttering Questions
How to Avoid Leaving Your Kids a Legacy of Clutter
Creative Home Hacks for Organizing
When we talk about decluttering, we’re really talking about decluttering and organizing. Decluttering is removing the excess, organizing is putting the remainder back systematically. If you’re decluttering and reorganizing your whole home or even a whole room, places like Amazon, Target, and The Container Store have a ton of beautiful organization solutions. The problem can be…
Preparing Your Home for Your First Baby
When a new baby is about to enter your life, a lot changes, and those changes begin before she or he ever arrives. One of those changes is to your home. Making space for a whole new human being means decluttering must happen. Not just moving things to another area like the basement. You need to remove an entire room’s worth of stuff out of your home.
8 Things I Do Every Morning
Over the years I’ve developed a morning routine that has become so habitual that I don’t really have to think about it, and actually feel weird if I skip some of it. This is not a prescription for what every person should do. It’s an example of what a morning routine might contain to start your day off in the right direction. Always follow your gut as to what works best for you.
What I Learned From My Subscription Addiction
Is It Possible To Make a Decluttering Mistake?
Generally speaking, I find people are terrified to make mistakes. They become paralyzed by the fear that they won’t start in the right place or do the right thing or will screw it (whatever “it” is) up in some fashion. This is what I tell my clients: Start in the middle and figure it out from there.
10 Habits to Hack a Minimalist Life
Minimalism is a mindset and way of life, not a trend. It’s about living with less. Less frustration, less rushing, and yes, less clutter. A minimalist life is about whittling down to the things that really matter, and letting the fluff go by the wayside. Letting go of the toxic friends, and the job that you hate, maybe even having the kids in fewer afterschool activities.